By John Grossi

If you could dream up a small neighborhood cidery, your dream would look a lot like Ficklewood. For one, their whole theme is dreamy. The decorations on their cans and walls are whimsical and playful, fun and approachable. With inspirations from the “100 Acres’ Woods” and “Pippy Long Stocking,” when you sip a cider from Ficklewood you feel like you’re entering into a bit of a fable yourself.
But past the designs, artwork and font, when you get right down to it, Ficklewood is the perfect neighborhood cidery because it was literally started by two next door neighbors right here in Long Beach. Neighbors with a huge passion and personal connection to cider. To Stephano (a diabetic) and Joe (who has celiac disease), crafting a gluten-free drink they can both truly enjoy is at the forefront of their process.
“I got tired of Joe climbing over the wall and taking cider from my garage,” laughs co-owner Stephano, “So we created a cidery that’s meant to be a living room for us and everyone else in the community.”
All their ciders are dry and crisp, and created in the fashion of German white wine. “Cider is basically like a refined apple wine. We use that process and do not add any sugars or preservatives, just choice spices and real flavors like real lavender or real pistachio to complement the apple base and craft exciting flavors.”
All their ciders are gluten free, and they welcome all types of person from every single type of background to come bond over delicious taste and amazing cider.

720 E Broadway,
Long Beach, CA 90802