When Dennis Trilles moved to Long Beach from San Diego he didn’t know a ton about craft beer. He considered himself a casual Newcastle fan.
But it just so happened that he lived a block away from Congregation Ale House, a new, exciting and knowledge-based gastro pub that carried all sorts of beers from all over the world. Trilles started to sample the different beers at Congregation, and liked what he tasted. Meeting up with a friend for a cold one after work - multiple nights a week - soon, when Trilles went anywhere else and ordered a Newcastle he realized his taste buds has changed.
Newcastle now tasted flat. Congregation Alehouse had opened up a whole new world of taste for him that was also a burgeoning movement throughout Long Beach and America.
When he began dating now wife Sarah, Dennis further discovered the draw behind the craft beer movement. Trying new and different beers was a fun experience to share, talk about and taste!
As more breweries began to pop up all over LB he knew he wanted to be a part of the scene.
“I did a little home brewing myself, but for the most part I realized I like drinking a lot of other peoples’ beers more than making one myself,” laughs Dennis.
Instead, he started Craft Beer LB as a “meet-up” group and created the “Craft Beer LB” Instagram as a hub of information for the craft beer community in Long Beach. To this day, Trilles still runs both. Together the two accounts have grown to become a resource providing information and entertainment for thousands of locals.
The “meet-up” group gathers at different breweries and bars to taste and learn about craft beers at least once a month (pandemic aside). Often they taste beers made in Long Beach or selections curated by Long Beach bars. Sometimes they host outside brewery reps to come by and introduce their beers.
Once a year Dennis’s Craft Beer LB brand throws a Craft Beer Festival at Rancho Los Cerritos for a fun day of local beer, local food, and local fun! His Instagram account shares daily the craft beer happenings of Long Beach as well as new flavors, deals, events and more.
As for Dennis, he and wife Sarah now live in East Long Beach with their two young children. The garage fridge is always full of his favorite local beer, which he gladly shares with anyone who visits.
Give Dennis’s Instagram Page @CraftBeerLB or website
craftbeerlb.com a follow to stay in touch with the best local brews for pick-up to go and for more fun get-togethers and events over the next year!
You can also support his brand by purchasing merchandise with his logo at lbhats.com.