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The Luyben Family

Writer: John GrossiJohn Grossi

By James and Jessica Luyben


The start of the Luyben Family in Long Beach was when my grandfather John George Luyben Jr. married my grandmother Rosalie Luyben (Redding) on July 15th,1950, at Holy Innocence Church in Long Beach. John and Rosalie met at the Antonian Club at St. Anthony’s which was a youth group that Monsignor Dolan, who was the pastor at St. Anthony’s at the time, set up.


Present day, a large portion of the family is still in Long Beach, Lakewood, and Los Alamitos area. My wife and I own Vital Pack in Signal Hill. We sell packaging and manufacture labels and are proud to have a local LB family company and have been blessed to have grown up with such a large family in Long Beach spanning the past 100 years and at least 75 Long Beach Luybens.


My generation, known as the grandkids (3rd generation), consists of 35 grandkids. We all grew up in Long Beach/Lakewood Village area and all went to St. Cyprian’s School. At that time, I recall that St. Cyprian had 270 kids enrolled in K-8th and 27 of them were Luybens! We were 10% of the entire school population and there was at least one of us in every grade from Kindergarten-8th grade.



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