Holy Cow! March has been mad so far and we're not even close to being done! Some of my personal favorite restaurants have already been eliminated, but that's how it goes. March ain't March without upsets.
We started with 256 restaurants. They matched up against other restaurants from their section of Long Beach and the followers on our Instagram (@lb908) voted! After a week of grueling matchups we have the final 64...they've been reseeded based on how many votes each restaurant got in the preliminary round. So without further delay... here it is. The Final 64 March Restaurant Madness Bracket:

The first round starts Wednesday, March 24th, 2021! Print the bracket out, fill it out, play with your friends, and make sure you vote in this year's Instagram poll @LB908.
Want to fill out the bracket and guess all the winners? Send us in your complete bracket to office@lb908.com and whoever fills out the most accurate bracket (to what the actual results end up being) will win a gift card to their favorite restaurant!
There are lots of fantastic restaurants on this bracket, but remember only one Restaurant will travel all the way on the Road to the Final Fork! Happy March!