By John Grossi | Photos by John Grossi and Monique Kuhlman

In the summer of 2022, Dr. ElKhoury of Reset Pain Management (RPM) in Long Beach ran an ad in our magazine promoting his revolutionary technique to treat pain at its surface, without the use of steroids or narcotics. As the ad explained, unlike classic pain treatments used by Dr. ElKhoury and every other pain physician for the past 60 years, the brand new Reset Pain Management technique approached pain in a totally new way. Rather than injecting steroids into the spine, joints, or muscles to “block” the pain, Dr. ElKhoury developed a way to treat the “hyperactive pain receptors” located near the periphery that are spreading the pain. By resetting these pain receptors - without steroids or narcotics - Dr. ElKhoury began seeing over 90% of his patients pain-free by the time they left his office. In addition, the treatment lasted months if not over a year for some patients.
All of these claims, and more, certainly turned a lot of heads in Long Beach, and piqued our interest as well. After fielding many inquiries regarding RPM, we decided to learn more about Dr. ElKhoury and his revolutionary pain relief technique. Therefore, over the past few months, we completed several interviews to try and put a face and story to patients featured in some of the hundreds of testimonials on his website.
We’ve been blown away at what we’ve learned. Out of three interviews we completed, all said some version of “Reset Pain Management changed my life.” The respect these three patients showed for Dr. ElKhoury was palpable, and their results were undeniable. Here are some highlights:
Sam Huston, Long Beach (Abdominal and Pelvic Floor Pain)

“Dr. ElKhoury at Reset Pain Management has absolutely changed my life,” says Long Beach resident Sam Huston.
Sam has an extremely rare and extremely painful condition targeting the “Levator Ani” muscle, which lies deep within the pelvic floor. Now 33, her journey began almost 10 years ago, when she first sought medical help to identify the root cause of this severe pain.
Only one doctor has actually been able to get rid of her pain. Enter Dr. Georges ElKhoury at Reset Pain Management.
“By the time Dr. ElKhoury saw me, I was defeated. I had so many different doctors prescribe so many different treatments. My stomach was defeated by ibuprofen, and I was so defeated. I broke down in tears my first time here,” says Sam recalling her first visit to the Reset Pain Management office.
“I mean, I still have to pace myself and listen to my body, but now I’m able to do tasks. I’m able to work. I’m able to get up and shower. When you’re in such relentless pain, there become little things you don’t even care about anymore. Reset Pain Management definitely allowed me to care about those things again because I’m not in pain.”
Living with roommates who were accustomed to her bed-ridden lifestyle, Sam recalls one of the first nights her roommates had friends over to their apartment after she had visited Reset Pain Management. “I realized I could get up and go to the living room and just hang out,” she said. “My roommates were shocked to see me just walk out into the living room like it was normal because I was so confined to my bed for years.”
Before visiting Reset Pain Management, Sam couldn’t even sit up for more than 15 minutes at a time. The pain was just too unbearable. That was then. This year, after Reset Pain Management, Sam was able to ride in a car (something that would have hurt just to think about in years past) for six hours on the way to a hiking vacation with her fiancé’s family in Mammoth. She even did some light hiking - something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago!
Jack Hollon, Lakewood (Stomach and Digestive Pain)

Imagine having a condition that is so painful, you can’t eat food or even drink water without feeling immense pain. Jack Hollon of Lakewood lived that reality for the better half of 5 years. Eventually diagnosed with gastroparesis, an inability to digest food properly—which led to esophagitis, an inflammation that damages the esophagus—all Jack knew was that the life he led felt completely helpless.
Like clockwork, every six to eight weeks, the pain he experienced with eating and drinking would become so unbearable, Jack would land in the hospital where he stayed for 10-14 days, receiving narcotics to numb the pain. With no cure for either of his conditions, the hospital staff could only try to alleviate his brain’s reception of the pain and monitor his inflammation until the pain subsided to a bearable level. A short-term cure to say the least. Within another two months, Jack would be back. Always. For five years… like clockwork.
Jack had been seeing Dr. ElKhoury, who is one of the area’s premier pain doctors, for his back pain for 15 years, a problem he describes as “completely under control ever since I began seeing Dr. ElKhoury.” When told about his abdominal pain, Dr. ElKhoury immediately recommended the new, revolutionary Reset Pain Management treatment.
“I was up for anything at that point,” said Jack, “He described to me what he was going to do and what the effect would be and everything he said was exactly what happened.”
Now one year into the treatments, Jack can proudly say he has not been to the hospital once since beginning Reset Pain Management. A MASSIVE improvement to his hospital-centric lifestyle of the previous five years.
“I’ve never had a doctor that was so attentive and tuned in to what the patient wants or needs. When Dr. ElKhoury asks you a question, you don’t feel like he’s ignoring you. He takes the time to sit down and talk to you. Not a lot of doctors do that these days. In my mind, I feel like I’m coming to see a friend, not a doctor.
Aline Thompson, Los Angeles (Shoulder Pain and Neuropathy)

Aline Thompson has been a pain-management patient of Dr. ElKhoury for over 10 years seeking relief for osteoporosis and sciatica. However, even as Aline and Dr. ElKhoury battled together against her back pain over the years, she could sense a different and tougher condition creeping into her body, one that gained hold in recent years. Neuropathy... the condition Aline and so many others with diabetes dread because it has no cure.
In the spring of 2022, the day before a scheduled visit to Dr. ElKhoury, Aline had her first unfortunate neuropathy-caused fall while at home. The fall left her with excruciating pain in the shoulder, among other injuries throughout the body. It happened because of increasingly symptomatic neuropathy Aline was experiencing in her feet. Neuropathy is the by-product of nerve damage in someone’s peripheral nervous system. It can feel like your hands or feet fall asleep, pins-andneedles, numbness, pain, sensitivity to touch, and tingling sensations.
For Aline, the numbness in her feet made it very tough to balance and walk. Therefore, despite using a walker in her home, she still unfortunately suffered a serious fall. The next day Aline went in to see Dr. ElKhoury for her regularly scheduled sciatica treatment, but understandably, she just wasn’t the same. She told him what had happened the day before.
That day he treated her shoulder using his new treatment, founded under his new office: Reset Pain Management. She immediately felt better.
But that wasn’t even the best part. What astonished Aline most was the treatment Dr. ElKhoury applied to her feet, which eased her neuropathy and numbness. Like so many others, she had never imagined improving her neuropathy condition.
“I had more feeling, and I was able to walk straighter... it just helped,” said Aline of her initial treatment. “I didn’t expect that. It was really amazing.”
Aline’s daughter-in-law, Shierra, said that Dr. ElKhoury had helped Aline so much that Aline would do anything to help him or recommend him to others. In addition to the treatment, she has been most impressed with Dr. ElKhoury’s caring nature. “He’s an amazing man and so patient. He’ll make time to listen to whatever I tell him about my pain and never rushes me,” said Aline. Shierra says their whole family has been impressed with Dr. ElKhoury’s passion and care for pain. “It’s rare to have a doctor give so much individual time to each patient,” she said. “And trust me; we’ve been to a lot of doctors. So we know it’s rare!”
About Dr. ElKhoury and his History

Reset Pain Management’s new pain-fighting technique is Dr. ElKhoury’s foremost passion ever since he had a breakthrough in the application of the treatment. He knows that this treatment can revolutionize the entire medical community and is dedicated to helping as many patients as possible for the rest of his career.
However, the discovery of this treatment is not something that happened over night. Rather, Dr. ElKhoury has worked his entire career managing pain.
Dr. ElKhoury is a trained cardiac anesthesiologist with a subspecialty in pain management. He began his career at UCLA Medical Center where he quickly became the director of Anesthesiology for Liver Transplants. Working alongside several pioneering surgeons during the 1980s, Dr. ElKhoury helped develop the anesthesiology standards for liver transplants, a procedure that would become commonplace around the nation in the years to follow.
Dr. ElKhoury and a former resident physician co-authored a double-blind study that altered the way inflammation in patients is treated after surgery. Their findings are now common practice.
Dr. ElKhoury practiced at Cedars-Sinai and Long Beach Community Hospital before founding his own pain management practice in Long Beach in 2003, where he is one of Southern California’s most premier pain specialists.
In 2021, Dr. ElKhoury made a major breakthrough on his life’s work and curiosity: how pain relates to the periphery. With a novel treatment in-hand that has the chance to revolutionize the pain industry and medical world, Dr. ElKhoury has formed his Reset Pain Management clinic where, over the past year, hundreds have experienced once-in-a-lifetime pain relief.
“97% of patients say they feel better before they leave his office,” according to the office staff. Dr. ElKhoury continues to refine his treatment process, which is 100% safe with no use of narcotics or steroids, with a focus on precision and accuracy for longer-lasting results. Dr. ElKhoury uses the treatment himself, as well as, applying it to family, long-time friends, and patients. He invites anyone interested in his pain-relief technique to schedule a free consultation at his clinic by visiting