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Q&A with Michele "K" Realtor with Broadmoor Realty

Writer: John GrossiJohn Grossi

Michele Kreinheder, simply known around town as Michele "K," is a realtor who assists clients with either the buying or selling of property in the Long Beach area.

What sort of purpose do you feel in your job and/or why do you believe your line of work is important and meaningful?

Buying your first home, selling a long owned family home or purchasing investment property are life altering events. To be involved on a personal level to and facilitate this change is both important and meaningful.

What is the most exciting part of your day-to-day work?

Oh my, there are so many! There are so many milestones during a transaction but probably the actual day of the closing. To bring it all home gives a sense of accomplishment. Also, I am having tons of fun doing videos which is sort of exciting.

What do you think the future of your industry looks like, let's say in 15 years? What impact will it be making? How will it be different from what you do now?

This is a huge topic of discussion within the real estate brokerage community. Will realtors be unnecessary in 15 years? I personally think there won't be that great of a change. The paperwork will probably get even faster, although most of us feel we are at the limit of 'get it done quickly.' I just don't see how this industry can totally remove the personal touch we as agents bring to the table. This buying and selling process is so highly nuanced and so emotional that you need a boots on the ground 'real' person. I do believe that marketing is changing quickly and we are embracing social media like never before but it still comes down to working with someone you know and trust. We are just finding different ways to introduce ourselves.

When did you decide you wanted to enter this field? What steps did you take to make that decision a reality?

I knew while I was in college majoring in the sciences that I wanted to be a realtor. My dad was an entrepreneur and I wanted to follow suit. I felt my personality was a good fit for this industry; I am a hard worker and believe customer service is the end all and be all. I trained at a well-respected boutique brokerage in a beautiful area of north-central New Jersey while in my 20s. I then researched best brokerage for training in Long Beach and found Coldwell Banker. To this day I tell young people to interview the broker and definitely make sure they have a solid training program. And mentor! Best decision I made was to mentor with an experienced agent.

For any students, ages 12-18, who think your job sounds interesting, what advice would you give them to help them learn/train/explore your field?

Call a realtor and talk to them. There are many brokerage and agents out there looking to put a bright hardworking young person on their team. I have given talks at career days and I am passionate that this is a great career. I always say that because the first few years are, for most agents, slim earnings, being young and still living at home is a GREAT time to train and get yourself up and running. Tell them to call me directly for any information!

Are there any organizations, communities, or movements that create synergy between you and others in your field, here in the city of Long Beach?

Long Beach has a fantastic Broker Preview group. We meet each Thursday morning for a guest speaker and share information. Again Long Beach is just sort of the best in this area. Realtors are such an integral part of the community. We are the eyes and ears, boots on the ground etc. Many, many agents are involved with non-profit organizations. Steel Magnolias, Food Finders, Pathways all have active realtors involved. I choose to be involved with the Century Club that supports Long Beach athletes. If you don't have a synergy with the community you aren't going to be a highly successful agent.

What makes Long Beach a great place to live and work as it relates to your industry?

Such a fun place to sell! So many varied neighborhoods and types of housing. Small own-your-owns to condos to 50 tract homes on the east side, historic districts with Spanish homes, to gorgeous homes on the water. Oh and we have so much opportunity for investment property purchases. And we can easily get to LA towns such as San Pedro, or OC towns like Los Alamitos. It’s a great place to be a realtor!



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