By John Grossi
Have you ever taken a few moments to consider how the buildings you enter ever day were designed and built? For Sean Hitchcock of 2H Construction, construction is more than just building facilities. It's about improving daily life in our community and environmental sustainability!

What is your company's mission statement?
Provide quality construction projects in a cost efficient and timely manner while providing a nurturing and healthy work environment to service long term relationships. We are a full service commercial
General Contractor servicing the Southern California area.
What sort of purpose do you feel in your job and/or why do you believe your line of work is important and meaningful?
We provide necessary infrastructure to education, institutional, aerospace, medical, industrial, retail and commercial offices that support various industries and workforces. We strive to provide better work, learning and care facilities for our community.
What is the most exciting part of your day-to-day work?
Every day is a new challenge. No two projects are the same which make everyday exciting. The start of each project comes with great anticipation and excitement, while the completion of projects provide a sense of accomplishment. Driving or walking by past projects gives us a sense of pride and community connectivity.
What do you think the future of your industry looks like, let's say in 15 years?
The construction industry is constantly changing and evolving to incorporate better ergonomics, better design with efficient use of resources in a more environmentally friendly manner.
What impact will it be making?
The construction industry will continue to improve the environment with both design and more efficient use of natural resources.
How will it be different from what you do now?
Technology continues to advance in the construction industry from the manner we work on a daily basis integrating software for the planning, scheduling and coordination of the work as well as implementing building maintenance and software systems in the final construction product.
When did you decide you wanted to enter this field?
I think I was of the first generations that entered this field through college as opposed to through the trades. After questioning my college studies and direction with a school counselor I was introduced into the Construction Engineering field. I was inspired by the integration of combining office and field work on a daily basis while constantly starting and completing various projects.
What steps did you take to make that decision a reality?
I switched from my original studies into Construction Engineering and started interning with a General Contractor, completed my degree and took a full time job as a Project Engineer onsite at an Aerospace facility.
For any students, age 12-18 who thinks your job sounds interesting, what advice would you give them to help them learn/train/explore your field?
A great thing about the Construction industry is that you can enter through different facets; you could join a trade and learn skills from electrical, plumbing, cabinet making, concrete, etc.. or you could get a degree in Construction Management or Engineering. Most all trades and companies welcome young people interested in their work and would invite them to intern with them for a summer.
Are there any organizations, communities, or movements that create synergy between you and others in your field, here in the city of Long Beach?
The American General Contractors of California (AGC) is the largest association that is well integrated through trades, colleges and companies that can help provide resources and connections. We also participate with Long Beach CaLL through LBUSD that assists all Long Beach students to have access to growing and emerging careers with internships, mock interview and guest speakers.
What makes Long Beach a great place to live and work as it relates to your industry?
Long Beach is a wonderfully diverse city.The mix and location of different neighborhoods integrates the community together.We have a great mix of culture that is seen in the restaurants, entertainment, people and architecture.We are a large city that still has a home town feel to it.The physical location of Long Beach is a perfect gateway to both Orange County and Los Angeles allowing any commute reasonable.
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