By Gina Valencia

Come for the featured beer of the month, stay for the jokes. Every last Thursday of the month, Murphy’s Pub hosts Comedy by the Shore, a free booked comedy show.
“We consistently fill the room each month,” said bar manager Trent Anderson. “We have a good number of people who return just for the show.” Located on the second floor of the Belmont Athletic Club building, Trent calls Murphy’s the ‘hidden gem on 2nd street.’ With its patio views of the street action below and hall of hops (this includes a punch card and a selection of 70 beers from around the world); Murphy’s Pub is a quaint neighborhood bar in which to relax with a sandwich and friends.

The idea to start a comedy night was first broached by Chris Wallace, one of Trent’s beer reps who liked the pub’s layout, low ceiling, and that ‘old-school Long Beach atmosphere.’ Hailing from Connecticut, Chris started his stand-up journey about 6 years ago in Orange County. After being laid off, “I decided to finally go after my dream.” Aside from his roles as comic and sales manager, Chris has hosted and produced many successful comedy shows in Los Angeles. Asked whether he had ever been confused with broadcast news host Chris Wallace, the comic Chris said, “Only because we are both devastatingly handsome.”
The need to relax and laugh with friends is something patron Tiffany Rose looks forward to when she comes to a show. “[Murphy’s is] cozy, it feels like being with friends in a backyard,” she said. The massage therapist lives nearby and comes often to Murphy’s with her boyfriend Austin Patton, especially after a long workday. “We need that laughter,” she said.

Comedy on the Shore at Murphy’s Pub at the Belmont
4918 E. 2nd St., LB, 90803, (562) 433-6338
Every last Thursday of the month, 8 p.m. Free. | IG: @thechristopherwallace
