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Meet Wilson's Soccer Coach: CJ Brewer

John Grossi

Background: CJ is a Walk-on Coach at Wilson High School for Boys Soccer, Cross Country, and Track & Field. He is also a coach at FC Premier - Long Beach.

How are you making an impact in Long Beach?

I directly coach 250+ high school-aged athletes. I enjoy bringing youth together and teaching them the many life lessons that can be learned through sports. Developing these student-athletes through the transformation that occurs during their time in high school is rewarding, and watching them go on to compete at the collegiate level and graduate from college is even more exciting.

How has Long Beach shaped your world view?

Long Beach is the center of the world in my opinion. Why go anywhere else? We have everything you need... within a 15-minute drive. I love the diversity of Long Beach, we have a melting pot of people from various racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds that has helped shape my world view. The rich history of the city is also something to appreciate, with many successful athletes and influential people who were raised here, and are proud about telling people they are from the LBC.

What is your vision for the future of Long Beach?

Long Beach is a big city with a small town feel. As the city grows and improves, I hope we don’t lose our identity. Events like the LB Concerts in the Park and the 2nd Street Christmas Parade are the type of events that make our community unique.

My vision for Long Beach is that we find more ways to bring people together so we can attempt to improve the many issues Long Beach faces. Volunteer and civic engagement are powerful tools.

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