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Free Lance Motors Services Beyond Volkswagens

Kristi Alarcon

Being a stranger to Free Lance Motors, my first time stepping onto the premise changed my perspective on what I think about auto repair shops for the BETTER. Mind you I have a fair knowledge on auto repairs...but when you step into the homey bright-yellow garage you immediately feel a pleasurable aura that's far different from your typical white-floor, high-ceiling, auto dealer shop.

Unlike typical auto repair shops that specialize in certain car brands, Free Lance Motors has expanded its auto services beyond just the Volkswagen's brand. A majority of new customers think the auto repair shop specializes in just Volkswagen, due to the brand car and sign lofty placed on a pole for all of Long Beach to admire.

The shop is now breaching out its services beyond just the Volkswagen brand, whether foreign or domestic. Makes and models such as Toyotas, Honda, Hyundai, Mazdas, Chevy, and Ford are just a few to name off the list that Free Lance specializes in.

“We evolved strictly from Volkswagen because there were plenty back in the early 70s’ to 90s’, owner, Glenn Tidwell said. “Everything has evolved to what it is now; now Free Lance Motors is working on all makes and models.”

The goal of Free Lance making such a dramatic alteration to their auto repair business has not only attracted more customers, but has shown a progression from the 70s’ where cruising cars were popular. The change has lead to a plethora of satisfied customers and has fulfilled Tidwell’s auto repair ambitions.

“Our whole thing is that we're here for the long run. Our sign that says, ‘Honesty and Integrity’ says it all,” Tidwell said.

Keeping that in mind, it's also a strenuous process when figuring out which auto repair shop to trust, due to auto shop horror stories being told left and right.

Fraught with rumors of unethical business practices, repairmen that upsell you, and a system designed to keep consumers in the dark; finding an ethical, honest auto repair company that you can trust sometimes feels impossible.

Ahh, at last, our friends at Free Lance Motors address these sticky issues and even combat dishonest auto repair service at all costs.

“Just be honest and upfront, tell people what they need and don't need. Don't fraud your own customers because they will find out and then you'll lose business,” said Tidwell. “Sell them what they need, charge them for what you put on, and nothing else. Integrity is your best friend in business and it works.”

Not only will Free Lance Motors service and repair your car but the staff is determined to educate their customers so that they’re knowledgeable on all auto choices. Glenn and his son Dawson have and will turn down business if it’s not the right fit for the car and the customer.

“Your car is one of your biggest investments, right next to your home. You need that car in order to go to work, play, and do everything else. We try to educate and steer people into a conscious decision,” Tidwell said.

The family owned and operated auto repair business is located on 3015 E. South St., open Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed on the weekends. For more information or to schedule your next visit email or call (562) 630-1155.

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