The top two men’s volleyball teams in the nation, Long Beach State and Hawai’i, will face off one final time in the 2019 NCAA Men’s Volleyball Championship match!
Long Beach State is proud to host this event in the Walter Pyramid and invites the community to share in the excitement! The Beach will be hosting an official tailgate, pregame reception and watch party at the hammer field adjacent to the Walter Pyramid and invite any and all fans to stop by for the match.
Opening at 3 p.m. on Saturday, the tailgate will have food and beverage available for sale from Naples Rib Company, and free t-shirts will be provided as the Beach prepares for the “Blackout” inside the venue.
Admission is free to the Official Tailgate, where fans will be treated to guest speakers including Long Beach State head coach Alan Knipe and Athletics Director Andy Fee.
Whether or not you have a ticket, the watch party will allow you to be a part of history as the 2019 championship is decided. Be sure to join us Saturday!