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Defy The Odds With This New Fitness Kick-start Program

Kristi Alarcon

It’s time to kick your excuses to the curb. It’s no surprise that working out can be a daunting process, it becomes even more difficult when you have a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. job and kids to come home to. I know you're thinking it’s not possible; but it's truly your reality, there are ways to fuse fitness in your day. There is no better way to spend your leisure time than boosting your overall health, preventing diseases and increasing your energy? The benefits are endless.

In response, I Defy Fitness will be debuting a four-week modernized fitness program called “Fitness Kickstart.” It’s tailored for people who have consistency issues or a hectic schedule that doesn't allow them to work out as much as they would like to.

The program consists of exercising three times a week with dietary goals to hit every day. There are weekly weigh-in’s where adjustments will be made to see if you’re hitting your goals, or if any changes need to be made.

“It’s a brand new program that's based off other programs that I run which are more intensive and require you to be here six days a week,” owner Scott Sonderman said. “This is a modernized version that allows clients to have more wiggle room in their schedule.”

The program is designed to help clients reach their fitness goals and strive for proper diet without doing a full drastic lifestyle overhaul so you can adapt your new habits to your busy lifestyle.

Potential clients that are interested in the program will go through a free strategy session that helps the trainer get to know the client better. Clients will be expected to answer questions about their fitness goals, eating habits and participate in a weight and body fat examination. The session serves as a guideline for trainers to determine what meal and fitness plan you need to achieve success.

“Once I know you, your goals and your starting point; I can help you achieve them,” Sonderman said. “From there I have people that can start you with trials such as the Fitness Kickstart and Fit in 42.”

Fitness Kickstart accepts new clients on a rolling admission. The cost starts at $249 for the whole program and can rise upon tailored needs. Clients will not be expected to meet on certain days of the week, due to the gym trying to make it convenient and consistent from customers.

“Most of the time when people fail a diet program it's because of consistency,” Sonderman said. “We spend three days a week with the mindset that you can come in with a healthy lifestyle and use the other four days to recover for next week.”

The fitness gym located at 3424 N. Los Coyotes Diagonal, provides people with a wide variety of programs to get your heart pumping. Classes range from large group workouts, personal training classes with up to 4 people, the Fitness Kickstart and the Fit in 42.

“I understand that many people don't want to go to the gym because they don't want to get hurt, have previous injuries or don't know how to use the equipment,” Scott said. “It’s a learning process. We do have steps to teach customers how to move based on their personal ability.”

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