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Shoot Your Shot: Legendary LBSU Supporter Bruce DD MacRae

Paul Slater

Here are some highlights from our interview with legendary Long Beach State supporter Bruce DD MacRae! Who does Bruce DD MacRae know? More like who doesn't he know. Go Beach! Shoot Your Shot.

Q: What does DD stand for in Bruce DD MacRae?

A: Bruce Douglas Daniel MacRae. Those are my confirmation and baptism names since I’m Catholic.

Q: Do you hate FedEx?

A: I’m a lobbyist for UPS, but I don’t hate FedEx. I respect them. We just happen to be a little bit better than them.

Q: Who is your favorite Long Beach State team?

A: You can’t ask me that. I love them all.

Q: How well do you know Barack Obama?

A: I know him and I took a picture with him. I’ve met every president since Richard Nixon.

Q: How close were you with John McCain?

A: I had breakfast with him the day after I had my heart attack and he wanted me to go to the hospital, but I told him it was Mexican food and two cigars. He was right, it ended up being a heart attack and I had to stay 12 days in the hospital. 521 people came to visit me in the hospital.

Q: What would you tell me to make me feel good about myself?

A: I would say be a light. There is a lot of places without light in this world.

Q: How do we get all the perks you get at Long Beach State?

A: I’ll teach you how to donate dollars back to the school and the Beach Athletic Club. I try to help Long Beach State athletes and their scholarships. I want to mentor these future leaders.

Q: How many tattoos do you have?

A: A lot. I’ve never counted them. I have tattoos from the hips down. There’s probably over 100 hours of tattoos on my body.

Q: Who are your favorite poets?

A: Marcus Aurelius and Mohandas Ghandi.

Q: How many selfies do you have on your phone?

A: 33,580.

Q: What is your favorite championship trophy?

A: 2018 National Champion Long Beach State men’s volleyball team.

Q: Can you get George Bush on our show?

A: No.

Q: Who is the most famous person that’s ever been in your garage?

A: I’m not allowed to say.

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