Original homes in Long Beach commonly suffer from unsafe electrical panels.

We’re guessing you don’t check your electrical panel every day in between your morning routine of drinking coffee and showering. But maybe you should check it just once. Or, better yet, call New Light Electric owner Jose Castellanos to come out and make sure everything’s alright.
Jose has been Long Beach’s neighborhood electrician for years and one of his most common and quick-easy fixes for local houses is the “panel upgrade."
“A lot of the original homes in Long Beach and Lakewood have panels that are very out of date and possibly dangerous,” Jose explained. “It could be very beneficial to do a quick panel upgrade to avoid future, more expensive, and possibly dangerous outcomes.”
Circuit breakers constantly distribute and receive electricity. The panel protects homes from power surges and other possible hazards. Without a properly functioning panel, the electricity in your home will not work properly.
If you open your circuit breaker box and see a lot of wires, mess, or you just are not content with how it looks, it probably could use a checkup with New Light Electric!
Additionally, there are two brands of panels that may have major manufacturing and/or design flaws that potentially put homeowners at risk. If you suspect that you may have a Federal Pacific Electric or Zinsco panel that has not been inspected recently, you owe yourself and your family a meeting with a licensed electrical contractor in your area.
Jose hopes this information saves your family a lot of money and hassle down the line. He’s always available for questions and to help you with all your electrical needs. He thrives on the motto of being “Your Neighborhood Electrician!”