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Precious Life Shelter to Host “A Taste of Precious Life”

After running away from home, living on the streets in downtown San Diego, and selling drugs to make a living, Reesie knew she had to change her life around when her baby girl was born. Enter Precious Life Shelter, a 501(c)3 California nonprofit that provides a safe haven for homeless, pregnant and adult women through a three-phase residential service program.

On Sunday, June 3, 2018, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., come to “A Taste of Precious Life,” a Santa Maria-style barbecue, wine and beer tasting event, held for the public to get acquainted with what Precious Life is all about. This year, the event will be held at the St. Isidore Historical Plaza just down the street from the shelter at 10961 Reagan St. in Los Alamitos. There will be music by local Long Beach band The Bierman Twins and other special guests. For those interested, board members will bring attendees on a tour of the facilities to introduce them to what life is like at Precious Life Shelter.

“People are surprised to find out that Precious Life Shelter is actually a home,” said Precious Life executive director Theresa Murphy. “People always think of a shelter as a large room that’s not clean and has little dignity with a bunch of beds in it. Precious Life is the exact opposite.”

The facilities at Precious Life Shelter are similar to being in a quaint little Dutch village. In addition, Precious Life Shelter has launched its permanent housing program, which houses women and their children upon graduating from this self-sufficiency outlet. Two new yellow bi-level housing complexes across the street from the Precious Life Shelter will serve as new homes for these women and their children.

At Precious Life Shelter, women learn to turn their lives around and even learn how to obtain the tools to join the workforce and enter normalcy, just like Reesie, who stated that she not only found financial stability through Precious Life — she is taking college courses now to realize her dream of becoming a lawyer — but also physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stability as well.

“I thank God for bringing me into this program; I thank Him for opening up a door of opportunity; I absolutely love and thank God every day for Precious Life,” Reesie said.

Not only will attendees get to hear more success stories like Reesie’s at “A Taste of Precious Life,” but they will get to enjoy good food and drinks, participate in a silent auction, and relax on a casual Sunday afternoon.

Tickets vary by price for this adult-only affair. A dinner plate and an inclusion of seven tastings are at a presale price of $40. After May 30, the price goes up to $50. Additional drink tickets are $5 each. Opportunity tickets for a drawing of $500 cash are $5 each or $5 for $20. Silent Auction and Take a Chance Tickets are $20 for a set of 10. Also, you can make a donation of any amount.

Contact Precious Life Shelter at 562-431-5025 for tickets, donations, or

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