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A Song for Long Beach by the 908 Staff (VIDEO)

John Grossi

If you love the "908" you'll love this song! It's 9/08/17 so we wrote Long Beach a tune to thank them for embracing our magazine and for supporting local business, local teams, and local people.


908 908 having fun in the 908 bring a friend we'll go on a date but don't be late in the 908. Life is great in the 908. Plenty of fun on our plate in the 908

908 908 having a ball in the 908. I'd rather be here then stuck in Kuwait or getting surgery on my prostate, or having a limb I have to amputate, or sticking my finger on a boiler plate "oww" in the 908

908 908 having fun in the 908 we'll go to the port and look at the freight being carried in by a ship mate lots of crates on that ship, mate we'll bring it all back to my estate in the 908

908 908 having fun in the 908 bring a friend we'll go on a date but don't be late in the 908. Life is great in the 908. Plenty of fun on our plate in the 908

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